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シンガポールは思っていた以上に、多様な文化が共生するコスモポリタンな都会だった。調べてみれば人口は約554万人、その内、うちシンガポール人・永住者は390万人で、中華系74%、マレー系13%、インド系9%(2015年9月外務省データ)という通り、朝食にはシンガポールを代表とするカヤトーストを食べ、昼食は研修の会場であるRepublic Plazaの64階で点心とパスタを食べ、カクテルは同じビルの66階で白ワインを飲み、夕飯はLittle Indiaでカレーを食べるという、1日で5ヵ国を味わうことができた。






“Lumie Lumina,” a Guide for the Next Generation of Global Talent

I visited Singapore for the first time ever in September. More than I could possible expect, I found Singapore to be a cosmopolitan city with such diverse cultures. The population of about 5.54 million people, has 390 million Singaporean permanent residents, with 74% Chinese, 13% Malay and 9% Indian (data from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, September 2015).

The diversity was reflected in the food I ate. I had typical Singaporean breakfast Kaya toast in the morning, a dim sum and pasta lunch on the 64 floor of the Republic Plaza, a white wine cocktail on the top floor of the same building and then moved to Little India for dinner. I was able to taste five countries’ menus all in one day.

The big discovery of this trip was a discussion on “What are the necessary competencies for next generation global talent?” with Singaporean, Australian, American, and French people. The key needs for next generation global talent are: Valuing Diversity, Openness to change, People focused, Self-leadership, Taking ownership and a Team Oriented mind set

I think my own global mindset was founded during my youth when I studied in France and then had the experience of working in an auto making company. At the age of just 19, I took a flight from London to Paris, travelled on an express train from Paris for 5 hours and arrived in the city of Nancy in Lorraine to study at university. I suddenly realized that I was a foreigner. I asked myself, “Why am I coming to live here?” And I felt homesick. But bit by bit, I built good relationships with my classmates who represented many nationalities. We shared glasses of wine, ate pot-au-feu and went to night clubs together. Through interacting with each other, finding how our hearts connected, loving and helping each other, we all became good friends. I am still good friends with my classmates all these years later.

Though the Lumie Lumina column, I would like to describe how Lumie discovers her own true potential and succeeds in the global business world. Through her stories and the lessons she learns I aim also to help others to find their own global talent.

