Interview With Coach Cartwright: Team Management Methodology


OSAKA EVESSA / 大阪エヴェッサ
Advisory Coach: Bill Cartwright / アドバイザリーコーチ: ビル・カートライト 様(写真:左)

In an organization, there are differences regarding performance in business situation between Japanese and foreigner. So, we wonder how you manage and keep them on same level and we thought that we can learn from your experience of coaching Japanese and foreign player in this team.
日本人と外国人では仕事のやり方やパフォーマンスに違いがあると感じています。コーチ カートライト氏は大阪エヴェッサの多国籍な選手をまとめた経験がおありだと思いますが、どのように彼らのパフォーマンスを同じレベルで保ためにマネージメントしているのでしょうか?

I think that culturally people are different. They have different beliefs, and maybe different attitudes. But, I think in sports it’s similar.
Because what we teach is that everybody is important and we are a team. So we are a family and everybody’s role is important for us to get to what we need to get to.
So we teach basketball first and there are coaches. We teach each player what is necessary, what their roles are, we give them the skills necessary to do those things and then once we teach them what we need then we coach them, we hold them accountable. But we are teachers so I deal with it as learning. And then we include them because it’s not our team it’s their team. So they make it as good as it is going to get because they are doing the work.

They understand they are part of how good we could get so we include them. So to me it is important that we want players to talk, we want to know what they think and we want to know how they believe is the best way to do it. Because if they don’t believe, it’s probably not going to happen. They have to believe that it’s going to work.

So Sometimes you get players who can’t do something how you want to be done. You have to show them another way to do the same thing so we have to be able to understand everybody and get to know them and have them know us and trust us that we will teach them as it’s good for them and it’s good for everybody. So sports are pretty universal, I think that everybody wants to be treated fairly, and if they don’t think it’s fair, it’s not good. So that is why we treat everybody the same, we value everybody the same and everybody is important so we try to create the massage that we are all in it together and everybody is together.







What was the difficulty to manage Japanese players?

When I came here, everybody was corporative and I think that when you have an organization or a team you need a solid foundation to build up, so I think that I teach, it got to have a strong foundation. Once you learn what is necessary, it’s a good building, a good starting point.
I think that Japanese players are probably a lot more legit. As far as how they sports are. My way is more family, it’s more caring and it’s not more discipline. We are going to have discipline but it’s going to be more family type of atmosphere.

I should say this. As an American, I should be able to adapt also because I am in Japan and you take it into consideration that you are in Japan and I still have to adapt to be in here, You do have to understand that and the cultures and that kind of thing.





How did you build up the relationship with Japanese players and communicate with them?

Japanese players work very hard. Their effort is always really heard. I think that Basketball is new to japan. NBA has been around. We have NBA and WNBA, where women play professionally. WNBA is older than Japanese league. Japanese league is new so it’s still developing. So we understand that. We want to be successful in a very high level. We want to succeed and we have to compete in a really high level. So we get the players to understand that. That’s what we demand, to be very successful. Our competition level has going to be very high. Our goal is to be the best team. We want to be the number one team.



What was the most important point to lead the team to win ten straight games?

I think the big thing is that we were just playing well. Our guys were playing very hard, very good defense. New team means identity. So identity of our team was a defense team. New identity is about refraction of Osaka. Hard working, playing very hard, play smart, play focused not too many mistakes. Always play very hard and tough. So our
Guys did very well, played very hard, and came out every game focused and not too many mistakes. I think we had a couple of games that we were lucky that we won but I thought the big thing was we played very hard.



What do you think about analyzing and utilizing data into the strategy in order to win a game?

We watch our opponents on TV, and when we watch, we watch our last game and their last game. So we watch our team and their team so our players get to know their personnel. We want to know everything about our opponent. We try to understand how to guard them, how to attack them, so we take all that data to analyze and understand how to build.



Is there KPI (key performance indicator) to allocate to each players in order to manage their training quality and quantity wise?
How do you analyze the performance of the players?

We analyze it differently because we look at it for some players and opportunities so we see more in opportunities to see if they did the right thing in that situation . Sometimes it’s the shoot sometimes it’s the pass. so statically it usually works out but sometimes you can take a bad shot and still make it, but it’s bad. It’s good but it’s bad.
So we try to look at what’s right. Sometimes what’s right doesn’t show on report but they made the right decision and sometimes you make the wrong decision but it works.
Bottom line is that we measure by winning. So if we win, everybody is happy. So overall did we do well, win or lose. There is no middle.



How do you use statics data to win the game?

We analyze every game. We see and tell the players what was good what was bad. What we did well and what we need to work on to get better.

Some teams
I think that numbers and stats are very hard to corporate because sometimes those numbers are there for a reason because it’s like if I did an evaluation of the players and some players may drive left more than right. I do scan report and I want you to drive left because you are better right. But statically it says you drive left so it’s not good. It’s not a correct stat. Numbers are good but they are sometimes misleading

I’m not a big numbers guy. So the numbers can be a part of it like an aid you look at it and can be a part of your process but I think it’s only a piece. I don’t think they should be looked at in your eyes and evaluate instead of numbers.





Sometimes it is difficult to lead everyone in same direction as one organization.
Even between the divisions in same company, there are conflicts because of different point of view. Do you have any advice regarding to this?

So you have the same goals for everybody… so I don’t understand why they don’t understand that. I don’t know because everybody has to be held in the same standard, they should have the same goals.
Maybe…Well there are a couple of things. You might have people who are more talented, who can do the job better, and those who can’t do the job as well get some advice from who the people who are doing very well.
Or you can help them think of different ideas of how to do the job with the same criteria but you have to teach them better to do the better job
But if they can’t do the job, you just have to get different workers. Like us. If our guys can’t do the job, we get different players. And if the coach can’t do the job we get a different coach. You have to be able to teach them if they can’t do it, maybe not.



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